Applications for the Scholarship Competition 2025 are now closed.

We support our scholars in a wide range of ways. Successful applicants can receive:

  • Additional support to cover the cost of school lunches and accommodation at the Akademeia Boarding House.
  • Extra pastoral care and mentoring from the Director of the Scholarship Programme and the Head of Akademeia Foundation.
  • Comprehensive internship scheme access for all scholarship students.
  • Wide range of extracurricular projects available to all scholarship students.
  • Financial support for independent academic or research projects for exceptional scholars.
  • Recognition of excellent performance at school through support for independent projects.

Having supported numerous outstanding Scholars over the years, we understand the unique challenges faced by candidates from underprivileged backgrounds when applying to universities abroad. In Years 12 and 13, our scholarship students will receive substantial support from their mentors, university advisers and the Director of the Scholarship Programme to ensure that they choose degrees and universities with the best possible scholarship and funding opportunities in their chosen field.

To maintain the high standards and values of our scholarship program, scholars should:

  • Show exceptional commitment to academic studies and extracurricular activities.
  • Achieve an average of 70% across all subjects.
  • Be active members of the school community.
  • Participate in at least some school initiatives, such as: school band, debating competitions, students' council.
  • Share passions and talents beyond the school by becoming involved in volunteering projects or participating in outreach programmes.
  • Lead by example and represent the school in the best way possible.

My most memorable experience was my very first day in Akademeia. I remember being shocked by the school facilities, but most importantly – by the new people I have met. All of them were motivated to work and open for new possibilities. What also impressed me was the diversity, but at the same time unity of the entire Akademeia community. For now, it’s very hard to determine, what I will be doing in 10 years. I hope it will be something related to astronomy, engineering, or mathematics since that’s what I enjoy doing. One thing is for sure – thanks to this scholarship opportunity, I will be able to pursue both academic and career dreams and achieve my greatest goals.


Akademeia is my chance. A chance to study abroad and to delve into my interests aside from academics. To me it is an inspiring community of passionate teachers and mentors eager to stir my curiosity, encourage self-discovery as well as strengthen my internal motivation for development. In here, I can express myself through singing and performing with the school band and cast in various musicals, putting together shows for the rest of the school to enjoy.

Jagoda, Class of 2024

I think choosing this school is so far the best decision I have made in my life. Akademeia now means everything to me, it became my second home as I am spending all the time around my colleagues both at school and at the boarding house. I am taught and mentored by the best teachers who have been guiding and helping me throughout the year. My life goal is to work at an EU institution in the law department and to secure that the international law is obeyed and respected. I think the scholarship is the key to succeeding, not just from the purely academic point of view, but also because of the way that this school is helping me widening my knowledge and achieve my goals.


I am still figuring out what my main interests are and what I want to study at the university. But I know that because of being able to study in Akademeia I will be supported throughout the whole process of applying to any college that I choose to pursue my dream career. Because of my recent internship at Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, I could experience the research and lab work and I can easily see myself in this career, so maybe it is something for me to think about and consider when deciding my future.

Antonina, Class of 2023

This scholarship is the greatest opportunity in my life so far. In primary school I would have never believed that I will attend a high school with such passionate people, both amongst students and teachers, and that it will give me a real chance to apply to the best universities in the world. The scholarship makes it possible for me. In 10 years, I will finish college and be amongst the greatest engineers out there. I do not know what exactly I will be creating, but preferably spacecraft, autonomous systems, or even better, beginnings of proper space infrastructure.

Juliusz, Class of 2023, Aerospace Engineering, Delft University, NL

Being able to concentrate on mathematics and physics in Akademeia was very helpful in my development. However, not having to study social sciences and humanities according to a strict syllabus, but instead being offered opportunities to discover them in a much more independent way helped me to grow as a person. For me, a very important part of my experience were people I met – other students and teachers, some of whom I still keep in contact with. I hope that future scholars will also contribute to and benefit from this atmosphere. Studying at Akademeia helped me with the gradual transition between teacher-led learning and one based more on individual work. Akademeia developed my ability to learn and think in English which makes studying abroad much easier.

Małgorzata, Class of 2019, Mathematics, University of Cambridge, UK

Akademeia scholarship allowed me to study subjects I loved in a totally different way than I had learned before. Firstly, I was able to extend my knowledge in those subjects in English which has proved to be crucial at university. Additionally, I was able to develop my passions beyond just the school curriculum. The teachers were always eager to stay after classes to answer any extra questions or go outside of the curriculum to fulfil our educational thirst. I have fond memories of my time in Akademeia, and I genuinely believe that the scholarship has helped me reach the place I am at now.

Tomasz, Class of 2019, Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK

My favorite things about Akademeia are definitely the community that it created. Aside from the students, the teachers I had were also amazing people who changed my life for the better, and taught me not only in their subjects but also taught me important life lessons and really made me feel cared for and heard. Akademeia taught me the importance of consistently working on myself. This prepared me for not only keeping up with the workload at university but also made me much more aware of the time and opportunities I’ve worked for.

Miriam, Parsons School of Design, NY, USA

Do You Wish to Support Our Scholars?

We are very keen to tell you more about our Foundation, its aims and mission as well as the possible ways of collaboration and supporting our scholars. Please contact Akademeia High School Foundation at [email protected] to find out more.

Visit our page about supporting scholars