The scheme also aims to help students discover potential careers and university degrees. The Personal Development Scheme (PDS) is mandatory both for Fifth and Sixth Form students.

For Fifth Form students the Personal Development Scheme includes activities such as:

  • curiosity-driven group projects chosen by the students from over a dozen options offered by specialist experts from both the faculty and beyond
  • workshops on topics directly connected to students’ daily reality (i.e. wellbeing and developing resilience, public speaking and academic skills)
  • lectures on project management delivered by experts to ensure a successful group project whether it be in PDS or within the standard curriculum

View examples of PDS projects over the last years:


Sixth Form students have to complete two individual projects from three types of self-chosen extracurricular activities:

  • academic (e.g. academic summer schools, internships in scientific institutions, conferences)
  • professional (e.g. internships in companies, summer work experiences)
  • charity (e.g. voluntary work, organising charity events)