Science oriented Lectures in March
Science Guest Speaker

In March, we hosted three inspiring lectures by professionals from different fields of work.

On March 10th, Mr Marcin Tokarski hold a lecture under the Akademeia Seminar series, titled Pathways to Climate Neutrality in Poland and EU. As a specialist in power engineering and energy sourcing, he discussed with us opportunities and challenges that Poland and EU are facing on their way to climate neutrality. Considering current political situation, this lecture was a kind of a call for action for all who take environmental issues seriously.

On March 22nd, we met with Ms Laura Maciejec, a young medical doctor from Jersey, UK. This Science Talk titled ‘Day in the Life of a Junior Doctor – My journey through medical school and working as a doctor in the UK’, was both informational and eye-opening for some of our students interested in this area of work in the future. The talk was very interactive and followed by many questions from the audience.

On March 24th, we welcomed Mr Bartłomiej Kozek from the UNEP/GRID Institution with his Akademeia Seminar titled: The Climate Crisis: Global Trends and Solutions. Mr Kozek presented us a very wide perspective on climate changes with the final message that the transition from fossil fuels to a green economy is possible, but it requires action and engagement from all of us.

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