May 8th 2023
On 4 May, our school’s media studies group embarked on a trip to a TV station, TVN, where they got a first-hand look at the captivating world of television production.
The adventure began with a tour of the TVN building, led by Katarzyna Ramotowska, editor in chief TVN 24BiS. The students started in the movie theatre and then made their way to the heart of the action: the main studio, where the news is broadcasted and edited in real-time. During the tour, they had the opportunity to learn first-hand about the crucial role of editors. The editors ensure that every prepared or live film airs at the perfect moment, seamlessly transitioning between footage to deliver the most compelling stories to viewers. It’s an art form in itself!
Afterwards, students met with a television presenter Piotr Kraśko, who shared with them some of the most fascinating tales from his career as a journalist, including the only interview that a Polish journalist has ever conducted with Barack Obama.
And then came the interactive part of the trip, as the students were able to step into the shoes of a news anchor and read from a teleprompter, just as if they were on live television, sharing the news with the world.
What an excellent chance for our media studies group to observe television production from the backstage perspective!